If you want to travel to another country but are looking for a more affordable trip and somewhere not too far away, get to know the best destinations to travel in South America.
Yes, South America has great destinations for those who want to travel on vacation but don't want to go too far.
And let's agree that these destinations are on par with any other country in Europe.
Some destinations are capable of surprising (positively) even the most demanding tourists. Not to mention that in Mercosur countries you don't even need a visa to enter, just a valid passport.
And there's more! If you're short on cash but still want to travel, there are several places in South America where travel costs are much more affordable.
So, it's worth checking out these options if you really want to travel. See more below:
Machu Picchu, Peru
The first on the list, Machu Picchu was elected as one of the seven wonders of the modern world.
And this didn't happen for nothing, the city has a historical and cultural heritage of enormous importance for Peru and also for the world.
Furthermore, it was built on top of a mountain almost 2400 meters above sea level, which makes everything around it even more beautiful.
To get there, you need to take a flight from Lima to Cusco. Then, you will take two train trips (from Cusco to Aguas Calientes and from there to Machu Picchu).
During the train journey, take the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the landscapes on the way from one place to another.
In addition to Machu Picchu, you can also visit other places in Peru, such as Cusco and Nazca.
Santiago, Chile
In Chile there are several places and cities worth visiting, for example San Pedro de Atacama, Valparaíso and Easter Island.
And you've certainly heard of Santiago, the country's capital, one of the 10 most visited destinations in South America.
Therefore, this tip could not be missing from this list of places to travel.
In Santiago, tourists can see historic buildings, visit the best wineries, and see incredible landscapes.
And of course you can't miss the opportunity to visit the places that offer the best views of the Andes Mountains.
Cartagena, Colombia
Next on the list, we have Cartagena, in Colombia, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.
The city is one of the main tourist attractions in Colombia and, therefore, should be part of your travel itinerary during your stay in the country.
Not to mention that, in the past, Cartagena de Indias was the home of viceroys during the period of colonization of the Americas.
In other words, you can learn about the entire history of colonization through the city's well-preserved architecture.
Also, you can't miss visiting Bogotá and Santa Marta.
Aruba, Caribbean
At some point in your life, you need to visit the Caribbean islands and live a unique and incredible experience.
There are many incredible options for enjoying wonderful sunny days. And of course, Aruba is no different.
The island is very close to Venezuela and is a tropical destination where tourists will find beautiful beaches and a lively nightlife.
In addition to quality cuisine, with several restaurants and a lively nightlife.
Unmissable destinations in Brazil
And if you think that Brazil leaves something to be desired compared to some of these cities, you are wrong.
Here we also have several places that are worth setting aside some time during your vacation to visit.
For example, the paradisiacal beaches of Fernando de Noronha or the beautiful beaches of Arraial do Cabo, in Rio de Janeiro.
Not to mention the incredible beaches and destinations in the Northeast of the country, such as Maragogi, Arraial D'Ajuda, Praia da Pipa, among others.
For those who prefer the cold, Serra Gaúcha is a great destination, where you can visit Gramado, Canela, Bento Gonçalves, etc.
Have you noticed how you don’t have to go far to discover incredible and super accessible places?
Have you ever traveled to any of these places? Tell us in the comments. And don't forget to follow our page to receive the best travel tips.
See you next time!