Aeroportos mais perigosos do mundo

Most dangerous airports in the world

Find out which are the most dangerous airports in the world, where they are and some interesting facts about each one. There are several airports around the world that are considered dangerous for a variety of reasons. For example, adverse weather conditions, challenging topography or safety issues. However, it is important to highlight that aviation security is a…

Os 5 melhores hotéis do mundo

The 5 best hotels in the world

The best hotels in the world have some characteristics in common, for example, they have a good structure to serve tourists. If you want to travel, and haven't chosen your hotel for the trip yet, then be sure to check out the 5 best hotels. 5 best hotels in the world to visit This list was recently released…

Roteiro em Paris - fuja do óbvio

Itinerary in Paris – avoid the obvious

The city of Paris, also known as the city of light, has great options for those who want to go beyond the obvious, which is why we created this Paris Itinerary to help you. The capital of France has options for all styles and tastes, so, for your next trip, be sure to check out our tips! 4 Itinerary Tips…

Visto americano fica mais caro

American visa becomes more expensive

Since June 17, 2023, the American visa has become more expensive for Brazilians. If you plan to travel in the coming months and don't want to be caught by surprise, be sure to check out the tips below and ensure a smooth trip. What is the current cost for the American visa? Since June this year,…

Prepare-se para o Asteroide Bennu

Get Ready for Asteroid Bennu

Have you heard about the asteroid Bennu? With each new discovery about space, questions and even fears arise. Are we ready for the impact of a celestial body with the power of 22 atomic bombs? Find out everything you need to know and how to stay informed about the trajectory …

Lojas incríveis para fazer compras em Nova York

Amazing stores to shop in New York

Shopping in New York attracts tourists from all over the world, however, to avoid financial losses, it is important to pay attention to the rates on your international credit card. In the case of Brazil, we must be careful not to be taxed by the Federal Revenue Service. 4 places to shop in New York New York City has…

Destinos românticos no Brasil

Romantic destinations in Brazil

For those who want a honeymoon, or just to have company, we will present excellent romantic destinations, to create an unforgettable itinerary for your weekend. There are many options, in several states in Brazil, so be sure to check out our tips. 4 best romantic destinations in Brazil Brazil has options for beautiful tours, …

Quais países que exigem visto para brasileiros?

Countries that require visas for Brazilians

For Brazilians, there are countries that require a visa. Therefore, to avoid problems at airports, pay attention to the rules for the countries that we will show below. Most countries require a visa to enter. Some countries, however, may not require a tourist visa. 4 countries that require a visa In the case of…

As melhores gastronomias do mundo

The best cuisine in the world

If you enjoy traveling and eating well, then we will present the best cuisine in the world. In the world ranking, Brazil is in 12th place. The votes went to 95 countries, with typical dishes and local cuisines. To learn more about the flavors, check out the top 4 spots below! 4 best cuisines in the world! In all world, …

Exigências para viajar com crianças em voos nacionais e internacionais?

How to travel with children on national and international flights?

To avoid any inconvenience, it is essential to know the rules for traveling with children, we will present below what these rules are. There are countries that have very specific rules, we have to be careful to avoid any disruption at airports. What are the precautions when traveling with children? Even if it is for train travel within the…