
If you are a lover of good wines, discover the best wineries in the world for tourism.

France and South America top the list of the best places to drink good wine. According to research, wine tourism will generate around 85 billion in 2023.

One of the drinks that has the most fans is undoubtedly wine and its various aspects.


This is because the drink, made from grapes, has several variations, such as dry and smooth red wine, burgundy, white wine and many others.

It is not difficult to find a multitude of wines in markets and wineries around the world.


And when visiting a winery, you will come across a vast field, full of grapes, which only ends when you reach the skyline on the horizon.

For fans and lovers of good wine (or good wines), visiting a winery is one of the highlights of any trip.

With this in mind, we have separated a ranking with the best wineries in the world for tourism. Check it out below.


Catena Zapata, Argentina

When visiting this graceful winery, you will come across Argentinian Malbec, famous throughout the world.

Furthermore, you can dine in the brand new das vines restaurant and taste the best wines offered on site.

Another really cool option is the fantastic trip to the Adrianna vineyard, which is more than 1,500 meters above sea level.

Bodegas de los Herederos del Marqués de Riscal, Spain

Another very interesting winery to visit, Bodegas de los Herederos del Marqués de Riscal is in Spain.

Inspired by the Guggenhein Bilbao, the winery in Spain is a spectacle in itself for those who enjoy a good trip and good wines.

If you plan to travel to Spain, it's worth taking some time to visit this winery.

Vik, Chile

You've certainly heard of the famous Chilean wines. Not surprisingly, the country has several wineries for tourists to visit.

And one of them is Vik, a luxurious winery that is 2 hours from the capital, Santiago.

In reality, it is not just a winery, it is an art gallery in design and architecture.

Therefore, it is worth extending your trip a little and getting to know this place, as well as, of course, drinking good Chilean wines.

Château Smith Haut Lafitte, France

Changing continents a little, in France we have the famous Château Smith Haut Lafitte, which is second to none in the world.

The place offers a walking trail called “forest of the senses”.

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Finally, the winery also has an adjacent hotel and spa, Source de Caudalie, which features beauty products derived from the winery's grapes and vines.

Bodega Garzón, Uruguay

Closing our list, we have Bodega Garzón, which is located in Uruguay.

The winery was designed for wine tourism and has a luxury hotel on its property, as well as a restaurant with an open kitchen, cooking classes and picnics in the vineyards.

In other words, a complete tour for wine lovers.

Of course, we have only selected a few wineries from the countless wineries that exist in the world.

In this list, we can still include Creation Wines in South Africa; Domäne Schloss Johannisberg in Germany, among others.

So, for those who are a great wine fan, it is worth visiting some of these wineries on your trip.

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