Showing: 6 RESULTS
Melhores passeios de trem no Brasil e no mundo

Best train rides in Brazil and around the world

There are many train tours throughout Brazil and the world, if you enjoy traveling by train, then be sure to follow the article. Only with the train itinerary can you choose beautiful locations around the world to photograph. So, discover the countless options available and choose your next tour. Train ride tips…

Visto americano fica mais caro

American visa becomes more expensive

Since June 17, 2023, the American visa has become more expensive for Brazilians. If you plan to travel in the coming months and don't want to be caught by surprise, be sure to check out the tips below and ensure a smooth trip. What is the current cost for the American visa? Since June this year,…

5 países mais seguros para mulheres irem sozinhas

5 safest countries for women to go alone

Some countries can be dangerous for women, so if you are a woman and want to travel alone, we will show you which countries are the safest. However, even if security is greater in these countries, some precautions must still be taken. So, to travel more safely, be sure to check the list below. 5 countries…

Turismo na Suíça: seu guia de viagem

Tourism in Switzerland: your travel guide

Is one of your destinations Switzerland? So, check out this post and we’ll talk about Tourism in Switzerland and offer you a complete travel guide. Switzerland is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful countries in the world, with its iconic landscapes and unique architecture. With that in mind, we decided to put together a travel guide…

Visto para o Japão pode ser emitido pela internet?

Can a visa for Japan be issued online?

In all countries, there are specific rules regarding visas and entry of foreigners. Therefore, we present the rules for obtaining a visa to Japan, what documents are required, etc. We will also show you whether the service is in person or online and how to schedule it! What are the rules for obtaining a visa for…

Como comprar passagens aéreas e garantir o melhor preço?

How to buy airline tickets and guarantee the best price?

Do you want to save money to buy airline tickets? So, be sure to check out the tips presented below. To get flexible dates, for example, it is important to search on ticket search platforms! Tips for buying airline tickets at any time! Firstly, the best way to save money when purchasing tickets is…