Imagine having the Quran at your fingertips, just a touch away from your cell phone screen and, best of all, not needing the internet to read it.
Firstly, the advancement of technology has helped us in everything, including our religion, where it brings practicality and convenience.
See below, applications that allow you to read the Quran wherever you are.
Origin of the Quran
The Quran is the holy book of Islam, a religion that emerged in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century.
The Quran is understood as the great miracle of Islam because Allah revealed His words in it.
However, it serves as the religious basis of Muslims and guides their ethical and moral notions, establishing itself as a guide of conduct for all believers of this religion.
Originally, the holy text of the Qur'an was not compiled in prose, but in verse, recited by Muhammad as it was revealed to him.
The book emerged through the organization of this compilation in order from the largest verses to the smallest.
Therefore, the 114 chapters of the Quran, known as surahs, are divided into small verses called ayat.
Islamic scholars have different opinions about the total number of verses.
Best apps to read the Quran
There are several excellent apps for reading the Quran. Here are some of the best:
- MuslimPro: This application is very popular among Muslims. In addition to providing the full text of the Quran in Arabic and various translations, it also offers features such as prayer times, Qibla compass, Islamic calendar and audio recitations.
- iQuran: Its clean and easy-to-use interface has made this app well-known. It offers multiple translations of the Quran, audio recitation options, bookmarks, and a memorization system to help users memorize verses.
- Al-Quran (Tafsir & by Word): This application is useful for those who want to understand the deeper meaning of the Quran. It includes tafsir (explanations) of verses as well as allowing users to see word-by-word translation for better understanding.
- Al Quran (Tafsir & by Word): Similar to the previous one, this app offers tafsir of verses and a word-by-word view to help you understand the text.
- Ayat – Al Quran: This application is known for its beautiful interface and advanced features. It includes translations in various languages, recitations from different renowned reciters and also allows users to make notes and bookmarks for important verses.
However, the applications mentioned above are available for both Android and iOS devices.
J'aime beaucoup lire et comprendre le livre noble de ma vie.
J'aime bien le coran et outbreakout ma muslim religion
J'invite toutes personnes à lire sans prejugés
I love you
Le CORAN is the premiere lecture of ma vie
J’aime bien le coran
يارب العالمين اجعل القرآن الكريم نور بصرى وبصيرتى
Je souhaite avoir le coran en tier
je voulais aussitôt understand comment on lire le Coran
J’aime apprendre pour bien lire le coran
Merci pour le portenite de Lire le coran librement
C’est un grand plaisir pour moi de lire et comprendre le coran . la parole de DIEU, la lumière pour éclairer l(humanité.
Lire le coran sa m’apporte la paix intérieure
اللهم وفقني في تلاوة القران وثبتني في حفظه
J'aime beaucoup lire et comprendre le coran le livre noble de ma vie.
Lire Jaime
J'aime beaucoup lire le coran
Rien n'est more beau que la maîtrise du coran.
Oui j aimerait vraiment l apprendre
Read Saint Coran and understand the meanings of these verses
J'aime read the heart that died to accepter my idea
Read and understand the qur'an is the best choice for all Muslims
J en avais un grande besoin
Saya ingin Belajar Quran
Je beaucoup apprécié votre application
Alhamdulillah terimakasih
Alhamdulillah bagus
Three good
Je veux apprendre le Coran, pour mieux comprendre ma religion
Merci de me faciliter l'apprentissage à la lecture du Coran…dans les meilleurs délais aux Meilleures conditions possibles.
J aime lire le coran
Terima kasi akhir nya aku dapat. Elajar mengaji
I already really love reading the coran
Semoga bermanfaat bagi semuanya
Semoga bermanfaat bagi semuanya
Baru bad coba mudah” an bisa
Alhamdulillah, subhanallah tabarakallah
A man sans religion is a piètre
There are three interests for the coran
J aime le coran
Ce lient est vraiment favor pour celui qui veut approfondir sa connaissance sur le livre Saint. C'est une chose que j'ai vaillamment aimé.
Allahou Akbar
Assalamualaikum wr wb 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 pengen bget bisa baca tulis Al-Qur'an aamiin ya rabbal alaamiin 🤲🏻🙏🏻❤️
Three interesting
Three three interesting
Just read the coran for now when you download this application
Ready to telecharge
Ready to download
Masha Allah qu'Allah nous facilite la lecture du noble Coran. Aminan
You are going to deepen my connaissance in Coran.
Terima kasih
Bacalah Al Qur'an walaupun tak mengerti artinya, tapi tetap ada pahalanya
I love to read the coran
Je veux read meme recite the coran
[email protected]
Baik sekali
Excellent! J'aimerais en.
Ingin Belajar Membaca Al Quran
Penguins that start to fall
To be honest with the Quran
Make sure to keep your eyes open
Sya ingin melancarkan kembali bacaan Alquran ✊💪🙏
Say a good prayer to the Quran
Terimakasih, saya senang dgn adanya alquran ini untuk menemani dalam perjalanan di kereta api.
Very interesting
I love the lecture of the Koran
Semoga menjadi kan asbab untuk saya jadi lebih baik lagi membaca dan menghafal Al-Qur'an
Make sure to keep your eyes open
Super cool
J'aime beaucoup lire et j'aime beaucoup lire et comprendre le noble Coran
When you understand the enseignements of the noble Coran, you are ready
جزاكم الله خيراً
Semoga bermanfaat Amin yarobbal alamin
Bagus sekali
Bagus banget kalau bisa mrmbaca sewKtu waktu di manapun berada.